Uber, Lyft, or Delivery Accident?
Here's how you get paid and come out on top.

Accident? Injury? Start Here.
The more time drivers spend on the road, the more likely they are to be in an accident. Therefore, it's vital that you understand how to protect your interests at the scene of a crash, where your actions and words can literally make or break a lawsuit or insurance claim down the road. Drivers who handle accident claims on their own often end up receiveing far less than what they should.
You Can Recover Money For:
- Medical Bills
- Lost Wages
- Pain & Suffering
- Loss of Normal Life
- Car Rental Fees
- Disability Accomodations
- Ambulance Services
- Emotional Distress
The Process Of A Lawsuit
When a driver causes an accident and injures someone, the injured person can file a lawsuit and/or an insurance claim against the at-fault driver. Generally speaking, insurance companies defend the person who caused the crash. They are not in the business of offering top dollar to the injured party. That's why it's important to hire a lawyer to fight for your interests. Sometimes that means filing an insurance claim, while other times it means going to court.
Injured? Here's Where The Money Matters
If you’re not at fault for the accident, you’ll need to decide whether to retain an attorney to help make the claim/file the lawsuit against the at-fault driver. Insurance companies often make smaller settlement offers to unrepresented people. LegalRideshare concentrates on these types of claims and has helped thousands of rideshare drivers, passengers and gig workers win millions.
Time Is Money
Waiting to talk with an attorney may be the difference between recovering your losses and recovering nothing at all. Attorneys help gather evidence immedatley. They can help avoid missteps or loopholes in the insurance claims process. They insurance you don't miss important deadlines. Not to mention, lawyers can help connect you with the treatment that you need. LegalRideshare always offers free consultations and is happy to guide drivers in the right direction. There's no reason to delay.