Press - 2018

Advertising ban lifted - 12/12/18
“Allowing advertisements on Uber and Lyft cars is one step towards strengthening the driver community…”

Elecric scooters and accidents - 11/28/18
“You see these images of people bloody and broken and often there’s no obvious recourse…”

Insuring rideshare drivers - 10/17/18
“Uber and Lyft put these facts on their website. They don’t do a good job of publicizing it.“

Background checks - 8/8/18
“If we were the ones making a hiring decision(s), we probably wouldn’t have put them on the road.”

Driver secretly recording passengers - 7/23/18
"It’s a totally different story to have a ride-share driver record passengers' conversations and passenger actions for the purpose of boosting their brand...."

Underage passengers - 5/21/18
“The rule is very well crafted to fit into their legal objectives…“