Press - 2022

Injured Amazon Warehouse Workers Still Get the Runaround - 7/11/22
"Plenty of Amazon workers who've consulted with Greening, the workers' compensation attorney, end up having a smooth time getting workers' compensation and medical care."

Delivery driver out of luck after car theft in Bucktown - 4/11/22
"It’s a story attorney Bryant Greening has heard all too many times — saying rideshare and delivery drivers often do not realize their liability until it’s too late."

More Than 50 U.S. Gig Workers Murdered on the Job in Five Years - 4/6/22
"Criminals see rideshare and delivery workers as sitting ducks, susceptible to carjackings, robberies, and assaults."

50 gig workers killed on the job in the last five years. - 4/6/22
Yet nearly every day we hear about Uber and Lyft drivers being victimized by their passengers."

Drivers clash with riders over mask mandates - 3/10/22
"It’s very frustrating," said Jared Hoffa, the head of development at Chicago-based LegalRideShare LLC, a personal injury firm that represents gig workers.

Uber, Lyft attacks tip of iceberg - 2/15/22
“The time is now for these billion-dollar corporations to step up and do more to keep gig workers safe.”

Lyft must do more to protect drivers, lawyer says - 1/4/22
"The dash cam footage is Exhibit A on how ride-share companies fail their drivers."

Lyft Driver Caught in Drive-By Shooting, Says App Didn't Provide Aid as Promised - 1/4/22
"As my client continued to drive his vehicle, he believed help was on its way, and unfortunately it never came."

Attorney Says Lyft Failed To Help Rideshare Driver Whose Car Was Fired Upon - 1/4/22
"If Lyft had sent the police to the location of his vehicle; had police tracking vehicle in real time, all of this could have been adverted."

Lyft Needs To Do More After Driver Shot & Beaten - 1/4/22
“...we see a driver begging for assistance and being left stranded and vulnerable.”