Press - 2019

9 tips to ride safely - 12/25/19
“Some people feel hesitant to say anything if the driver is speeding or following other cars too closely, but if you don’t feel safe you need to take action.”

Uber report adds fuel to reform fire - 12/16/19
“This report was generated because of a demand for transparency, and I don't think that it's a coincidence that it happened soon after the company went public.”

Uber's jarring sex assault report - 12/07/19
“There’s no more dangerous place to be than in a moving car with a stranger...”

Shared Driver Accounts - 11/27/19
"Account sharing 'is a dirty little secret' among American drivers..."

Frustrated Cab Drivers - 11/26/19
“Uber disrupted for-hire transportation because the system was antiquated, unreliable and expensive…”

Uber Sues Skokie - 10/30/19
“The complaint serves as a warning shot that Uber will not stand by as Chicago attempts to impede its ability to dominate local transportation…”

Proposed Chicago rideshare tax - 10/22/19
“Congestion isn’t just a rideshare problem. Targeting one sect of our community is inequitable, shortsighted and likely ineffective.”

Mayor's Proposed Fees - 10/21/19
“The tax specifically targets one of the most lucrative times, rush hour, and one of the most lucrative locations, downtown,” the LegalRideshare attorney said. “I see drivers taking a big hit in terms of their ability to earn wages.”

Scooter Pilot Ends - 10/14/19
“But community safety has to be the most important element,” he said. “If you have rules in place and you don’t enforce them, they’re not rules at all.”

Scooter Injuries - 10/14/19
“…we’ve heard from many people who have been injured, and community members dismayed by the clutter and the reckless operation of some of the riders.”

Passengers carting drugs - 8/19/19
“Drivers are concerned that they’re being used as drug mules in a lot of situations – unknowingly.”

Scooter Data for Man Injured - 7/10/19
“By putting them on notice and then filing this action, we believe that it would be unlawful for this data to go missing. And Allyson’s chances at recovery entirely depend on the responsible parties being discovered.”

Scooter hit-and-run - 7/8/19
“We’re here today because a coward left Allyson battered and bloody in the middle of the street, and by remaining silent, the responsible scooter company allows that coward to hide in the shadows.”

Proposed Chicago rideshare tax - 7/8/19
“The responsible parties must be held accountable, including covering the costs of the medical bills, lost wages and pain…”

Man hit by e-scooter - 7/8/19
“Greening said his office could push for criminal charges or, potentially, sue the rider or the company. All 10 companies or their lawyers will have to appear before a judge to answer to the petition.”

Insurers and sexual assault - 7/5/19
“There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason about who’s responsible.”

Rideshare and insurance - 6/29/19
“These are such new modes of transportation that the courts have not weighed in on any of this…”

Scooters and safety - 6/28/19
“Rules that aren’t enforced aren’t rules at all…”

Electric scooter crashes - 6/26/19
“...we’re going to have to see what happens as more and more of these injury cases are brought and are litigated.”

First time scoooter users - 6/26/19
“Our phones have been ringing because of both self-inflicted injuries from scooter riders and pedestrians and cyclists struck by riders of no fault of their own.”

Insurers and sexual assault - 6/17/19
“Other cities have been trying to set up spots where the scooters can be left, setting up zones where scooters can be dropped off at night, but a lot of the time that’s unenforceable…”

Underage Riders - 5/15/19
“The community needs to understand that children cannot be placed in the back of the cars with strangers…”

Uber & Lyft going public - 5/7/19
“Uber and Lyft’s entire business model hinges on the drivers not being employees. They’re afraid of stepping over that line, and as a result, the community suffers.”

Female Drivers Share Concers - 4/19/19
“This feels like a very comfortable experience and something we have welcomed into our everyday life, but at the end of the day you need to stay vigilant.”

Efforts to keep Rideshare safe - 4/8/19
“There is no more dangerous place to be than in a locked car traveling with a stranger…”

Fake drivers - 4/8/19
“You have to be aware of your surroundings and think how you would react if the situation turns sour … you have to listen to your instincts.”

Death of student sparks crackdown - 4/7/19
"There is no more dangerous place to be than in a locked car traveling with a stranger."

Limo driver & sexual assault - 4/1/19
“We get calls every day from passengers and drivers who have been attacked, assaulted, harassed. We as a community need to make sure we are doing all we can to stay safe.”

'Bogus' rideshare complaints - 3/13/19
“…false accusations have no place in rideshare and we need to make sure people are acting appropriately and fairly to everyone involved.”

Crimes targeting rideshare drivers - 2/8/19
“We would argue there is not a reasonable expectation of privacy in a ride-share car. Think of your ride-share car as a city bus. If you wouldn’t do or say something in a city bus, you shouldn’t do it in a ride-share car.”

Weather and rideshare costs - 1/29/19
“Generally speaking, when weather is bad or [there is] a big event or something unusual in the city, history tells us fares will be higher…”

Rideshare and insurance - 1/4/19
“The rideshare companies do a really poor job of explaining the insurance implications to drivers…”